UCU UK elections 2024-25

The annual round of UCU UK Elections is underway, including for Vice President, Hon Treasurer, Trustees, regional and a number UK elected seats. Many will sit on Higher Education Committee which determines the decisions and actions taken by the union.


You will have had ballots through your post-boxes, along with election statements by each candidate.


More info >> here <<

Hustings event for Vice President* and Treasurer is on Wednesday 5th February – online – 4.30pm – 6pm.


* serves as chair of the Higher Education Committee and sector conference for two years, then becomes the union President and chair of the NEC.


The ballot closes on 3rd March, but why wait?

Cuts, cuts, cuts. Action needed urgently.

Aberystwyth UCU are shocked at the news of major cuts at Cardiff University and the impact on staff and students in Cardiff and more widely in Wales.

Marc Welsh, Acting President of Aberystwyth UCU said:


“Our branch sends full solidarity with colleagues and students affected by this decision by Cardiff University.


Universities are facing unprecedented financial challenges, with Cardiff the most recent example of what is happening across the country. Government intervention across the sector is urgently needed.


This is not just about the jobs of UCU members, the closure of courses (such as nursing) and the restriction of student opportunities, it is part of a bigger concern about the future of education, research and the skills that sustain Wales.”


The times they are a-changing

For us

Regrettably our branch President, John Gough, has stepped down with immediate effect. The good news is John is stepping down as President for positive personal reasons and we wish him well as he navigates his new role.


John has overseen a resurgence in the branch and its activity over the past few years, shepherded us through Covid and protracted industrial action, and facilitated a functioning social partnership agreement with management.


As an individual John has also supported (and will continue to support) innumerable members as a case worker, represented the interests of members in multiple forums, through SIP and grievance and beyond, and has always been willing to stick his head above the parapet in the service of the branch.


We would like to take time to thank John for his huge contribution to Aberystwyth UCU branch over many years.

While he is stepping away from some day-to-day elements, he will continue making an essential and valued contribution to the branch going forward.


For university staff

The recent VC’s message to staff outlined a financial situation that remains challenging at AU; with further ‘changes’ to staffing, structures and investment to be announced and consulted upon in coming months.


This will not be a surprise for most staff but many of us will feel uncertainty and worries for:

  • colleagues,

  • managing workload and work-life balance in a period of transition and change,

  • ensuring fairness and parity in treatment.


UCU negotiators have been and remain involved in conversations with senior management and broadly would recognise a willingness and attempt at transparency and partnership in that relationship. But next year might prove more challenging.


Heading into 2025 we will need the support and input of members to ensure we are asking the right questions, identifying the right problems, making the right suggestions, and taking the right action.

Please use your departmental reps as a conduit for doing this. If your department does not have one – consider volunteering!

Marc Welsh

Aberystwyth UCU Vice President

Updates from UCU HQ on consulting members over national pay award

The electronic ballot to consult UCU higher education members on the offer will be administered by the independent election scrutineer Civica Election Services and we are in the process of finalising the timetable.

UCU’s higher education committee (HEC) met on 27 September to consider UCEA’s final offer and voted to reject the pay element of the offer and to accept the terms of reference relating to the pay spine review, workload, casualisation, and equality pay gaps. HEC also voted to launch a consultative ballot on the offer and further details about this will be made available in due course.

Keep up to date here

Extraordinary General Meeting

Date & Time: Thursday 12th September, 13:00

Venue: D5 Hugh Owen


Purpose: Initial views and questions from UCU members arising from the ALL STAFF meetings with the VC on Wednesday 11th September.


UCU representatives will participate in a ‘Joint Working Group’ (a regular meeting of trade unions and members of senior management team) that is scheduled for Friday 13th September.


This EGM on 12th September is to gather immediate thoughts and views of members from any announcements coming from the VC’s meetings. This will inform the representatives contribution to the senior management team.


Further Emergency or General Meetings may follow in following weeks as things develop.

OU UCU wider members redundancy survey

Open University UCU have pulled together a survey they are making available to all members to complete. The results will be shared with UCU members and used to provide data to underpin how UCU nationally responds to current events.

It’s a bit convoluted (trying to cover past and present experience in same questions) but you don’t need to answer all the questions. You will need to include an email address to complete it.


Aberystwyth branch members can complete it at the link here: OU UCU survey

The survey is open until mid-September.