UCU yw’r undeb llafur mwyaf i staff academaidd a staff proffesiynol sy’n gysylltiedig â gwaith academaidd ym meysydd addysg uwch ac addysg bellach. UCU Aberystwyth yw’r gangen leol i fwy na 400 o aelodau UCU yn Aberystwyth.

Ein gwaith ni yw cynrychioli buddiannau ein haelodau, fel unigolion ac ar y cyd, ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith y staff a’r brifysgol yn ehangach ynghylch problemau yn y gweithle sy’n effeithio ar staff y Brifysgol a’r sector addysg uwch. Gobeithiwn y bydd y wybodaeth sylfaenol hon yn ddefnyddiol, am ein hymgyrchoedd presennol, am yr hyn a wnawn a sut y gallech chi gyfrannu.

What is Aber UCU?

Aber UCU is the local branch for UCU members in Aberystwyth.

Our role is to represent the interests of our members, whether individually or collectively, and to raise awareness amongst staff and the university more widely about workplace problems affecting AU staff and the HE sector.

Aber UCU is also a campaigning union – seeking change on an array of issues affecting members or that members have democratically decided to campaign on.

  • We have well over 400 members across the campuses.
  • We can support and represent individual members in ‘personal cases’
  • As a recognised union the university is obliged to consult with us on an array of issues set out in statute

To support members we can also draw upon expert advice and representation from the UCU Wales office based in Tondu, Bridgend [link here], and where necessary from UCU Headquarters.

How we work

Aber UCU is managed by Officers and an Executive Committee (‘the Exec’) elected at the AGM.

Most departments of the University also have a UCU Departmental Representative .

Officers, Committee Members and Reps do their work for Aber UCU on a voluntary basis in addition to their main University employment. If you would like to contribute to this work click here .

The Exec meets at lunchtime (1.00pm) once per month to discuss and consider matters of concern to members. Departmental Representatives are always invited and encouraged to attend. If you have concerns or items you want to raise with the Exec or the wider membership use the Contacts page  to identify someone to speak to.

Items covered might include:

  • Current matters under negotiation with University management (e.g. Employment Policies, Casual Contracts etc)
  • Matters of concern raised by members and/or Departmental Reps
  • National or regional UCU initiatives and meetings
  • Personal casework issues (these are always dealt with anonymously and confidentially)

Supporting members with workplace problems is a key area of activity for Officers and Committee.

Personal cases range from unresolved bullying and harassment issues, through to contract problems / redundancy / performance issues, to support in ill health / early retirement / disability workload adjustment negotiations. Sadly case numbers appear to be increasing and more members willing to get involved with this work are always required. Training can be arranged – further details about this can be obtained from branch administrator Alison Garrod .

Key Dates:

  • The AGM is held in May or June of each year
  • General meetings are for all members able to attend and normally held with 14 days notice. These can involve consultations with members about Aber UCU positions on national or local issues.
  • The Branch Executive Committee meet monthly

Contact your reps in good time to raise items for the agenda.

——— Read More about how Aber UCU tries to represent YOU ———-