AGM Report Back

A quorate Branch AGM was held on 22nd May 2024.

Subscription Rates: these have not been amended from 2023/24 but it was agreed the local element be considered by the Executive Committee and brought to a future General Meeting.

Three motions were passed by the AGM – the details are copied at the bottom of this page. The ‘the branch resolves‘ bit is the important text that explains what we intend to do as a result of the motion.

  1. recognising that the local branch rules are not fully fit for purpose to mandate the Executive to review the local association rules.
  2. to condemn intimidation of branch members engaged in lawful protest.
  3. To propose, via Senate in June 2024, that the Ethical Investment and Banking policy be amended to require the university Investment Committee publish annually ALL direct and indirect investments.

Executive Committee

The branch also elected a new suite of Executive Committee officers. The full details of the Exec can be viewed on the Contacts Page.

New or changes in role from 2023/24 include:

  • Susan Chapman and Stephanie Jones take on a shared branch Secretary role
  • Bob McIntyre becomes Treasurer
  • Megan Talbot becomes Equality Rep
  • Lara Kipp, Jo Eastlake, Gabor Gelleri, Lloyd Roderick, Sarah Watson-Jones become Ordinary Members of the Exec
  • Maria Plotnikova volunteered to be rep for the Business School.


– ADOPTED 22nd May 2024


Motion 1: Local branch rules.

Notes that Aberystwyth UCU branch rules were adopted in 2017.

Some elements are out of date (number of officers, roles) or not clearly applied (e.g. appointment of auditors, election to national bodies, process for developing, consulting and approving motions) or based on procedures reflective of trade unionism prior to the adoption of information technology.

Resolves: for Executive to be mandated to review the local association rules to:

  • ensure they are fit for purpose,
  • circulate a revised 2024 set of local rules for approval by members,
  • prepare a simple guide to the operation of Aber UCU for members (timing of notification of meetings, selection of representatives, processes of consultation),
  • and present these to a subsequent General Meeting for review and/or ratification

[NB: Motion 2 was withdrawn in the meeting]

Motion 3: Academic freedom

The AGM notes:

  1. That there have been reports of Aber UCU branch members lawfully engaged in campaigning around current political issues being intimidated by the police.
  2. That the UCU Statement on Academic Freedom (2022), point 3, reads:

Higher and further education staff have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, opinion, expression, association and assembly. Staff must not be hindered or impeded in exercising their civil rights as citizens, including the right to contribute to social change through free expression of opinion on matters of public interest’.

The AGM resolves:

  1. That members should be able to conduct lawful protest without intimidation.
  2. Attempts to intimidate lawful protestors are to be condemned.
  3. The Aberystwyth UCU branch stands in solidarity with, and will offer support to, those members who have been targeted.


Motion 4: Transparency on Investments

Aberystwyth UCU notes:

  • Aberystwyth University has an “Ethical Investment and Banking” policy, adopted 28th June 2019, which includes a “Statement on Socially Responsible Investment”
  • This policy is subject to annual review by the Investments Committee
  • Currently the policy covers only direct and not indirect investment.
  • University staff community may propose amendments to this policy via the Senate or Non-academic Staff members on the Council
  • Aberystwyth University scored 2% in the people & planet Ethical Investment and Banking criteria, a contributor to the 117th place of the university nationally in the 2023/24 University League
  • The university does not disclose a public list of investments.
  • Other comparable universities publish a full list of direct and indirect investments annually, namely Bangor university
  • Staff and students have a right to know where the university has financial investments.


  1. To propose, via Senate in June 2024, that the Ethical Investment and Banking policy be amended to require the university Investment Committee publish annually ALL direct and indirect investments.

[NB: timing of motion and AU meetings has meant this proposal has yet to be submitted to Senate]