Liaison and communication
As a recognised trade union Aber UCU seeks to achieve its objective of representing AU members through dialogue and engagement.
Aber UCU is involved in national UCU activity via:
- the Wales National Committee – which sends delegates to meet three times a year
- UCU national Congress – elected delegates attend Congress in May/June each year
- and representatives can be involved in a number of national ‘standing committee’ (e.g. Women members’ standing committee, Climate and ecological emergency committee, Anti-casualisation committee)
Aber UCU represents members with Aberystwyth University via:
Aberystwyth University is committed, via the Partnership Agreement, to working with, consulting and developing policy with the three recognised trade unions. This is an approach Aber UCU welcomes and seeks to work constructively with.
A basic outline of the agreement of principles and recognition of roles between Aberystwyth University and the three recognised trade unions can be read here.
Aber UCU represents members constructively where possible via:
- The AU ‘Joint Working Group’
This meets twice a month to facilitate and generate a partnership approach to working on campus between employer and employees. We endeavour to work constructively with Aberystwyth University and the other recognised trades unions (UNISON, UNITE ) in improving the working conditions of employees and identifying issues that can be addressed through collaboration and consensus.
Aber UCU sees this as a constructive means of influencing how Aberystwyth University addresses and improves the conditions and security of employees. Participation does not restrict the members right to dissent or campaign on issues discussed.
- The Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee (JCNC)
The JCNC meets at least three times a year. Its purpose is to raise and discuss issues related to representation of the university and employees with a view to seeking collective agreement. It is made up of representatives of University Council (including the Vice Chancellor) and the trade unions.
- In addition Aber UCU will be asked to comment on or participate in the work of AU committees and sub-groups as a union.